Spring 2022-Facility X: A 3D Horror-Stealth game where you investigate a secret facility and uncover its dastardly secrets. I worked on this project as an Environment Artist alongside Bobby Bronaugh, creating various props and key story models, such as the cloning tube. Kevin Phan: Programmer, Chloe Turnbull: Programmer and Level Designer, Adam Mills: Audio Designer, QA Testing, and Documentation. Would you like to play it yourself? It’s free on Itch.io!
Spring 2022-Ultra-Disc Club: A frisbee game with special abilities that can turn the tide of each fast-paced match. I was one of two programmers in a major team consisting of 25+ people and was responsible for coding systems in C++.The game consists of multiple playable arenas, with the one being shown being the inside of a delivery robot. It can be played with up to four players on a local PC, so grab some friends to play with!
Spring 2021-What’s Left in the Shadows: A stealth-horror game made in Unreal Engine 4, as part of a project using a combination of hand-made assets and free Unreal store assets. Alberto Montalvo: 3D Environment artist, Programmer, Sound Designer, Post-Processing, Lighting. Brennan Richardson: Character Modeling, UI and Misc. Art assets. Jordan Radich: Gameplay and AI programming. Parker Gruendl: Level Design. Stephanie Hostetter: Sound Design (Music and Ambience)
Ghost Town: A Doom-style action game with horror elements. Alberto Montalvo: Most art assets and some sound assets. Devin Albrecht: Programming and SFX. Allison Terry: Programming and Level Design. Fall 2020
Avast Blast: A pirate-themed 2D platformer. Alberto Montalvo: Art assets. Jonah Hecker, Kyle Doyle: Programming. Gabby Richardson: Menu Art Assets Spring 2020.
Fall 2020: Modified the game “Elder Scrolls V. Skyrim” as part of a group by creating a new 3D model and replace the default audio with custom sounds. Alberto Montalvo: SFX/BGM. Sean Anderson: Creation Kit Implementation. Seth Usher: 3D Modeler.